Edge Protectors
Cased Edge Protectors are perfect for low volume users.
Protect products from damage during shipment or while in storage.

Edge Protectors - Cased
(66) Edge Protectors By the CaseCased Edge Protectors are perfect for low volume users.
- Convenient case packs save space.
- Secure Edge Protector to load with stretch film, steal strapping or poly strapping.

Edge Protectors - Skid Lot
(66) Edge Protectors By the SkidProtect products from damage during shipment or while in storage.
- Edge Protectors stabilize strapped or stretch wrapped loads and add extra support for double stacked pallets.
- Save by ordering in full skid quantities.

“Do Not Double Stack” Printed Edge Protectors
(4) Pre-Printed Edge Protectors inform warehouse workers and freight carriers of handling instructions for shipments.- Strong fibreboard construction stabilizes loads.
- Bright bold red printing.
- Use with stretch film or strapping to keep loads from shifting.

Strapping Protectors
(14) Protects palletized product from strapping damage.- Spreads strapping tension to prevent damage.
- Made from strong laminated flbreboard.
- Use with steel or poly strapping.
- Reusable and recyclable.

Plastic Strap Guards
(8) Guards protect shipments from damage caused by tight strapping.- Ribbed channel stops strapping from moving.
- Use with steel or poly strapping.
- Made from strong durable plastic.
- Strap Guards may be reused.